Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True

Thursday, September 19, 2013


By far, my favorite holiday is Christmas! I seriously get so excited for this day to come every year. I get sad when it is over. I love Christmas for a huge amount of different reasons. I love it because I love love love to decorate! I love it because I get to spend time with the people that matter most to me. I love it because I love to shop! Seriously, if I could, I would buy my niece and nephews everything in the damn store! I try to too, but in the long run, it's not a good thing to do because when I have my own children I don't want my niece and nephews to feel like they're being shunned. I love Christmas because I love to bake! I cannot wait to find some new recipes this year! I love it because I love candles! Candles are seriously my favorite and when the holidays come around, that's when they have the yummiest smelling candles! I love Christmas because I love to wear my warm clothing: sweater dresses, my pea coat, etc. I love to take the kids outside to play!! I loved playing in the snow when I was little. Sled riding was always the best. I love seeing my loved ones open presents that I got them. I love Christmas dinner. I love hot cocoa and pumpkin roll! I just love everything about Christmas! It puts me in the greatest mood. I cannot wait for Christmas this year! Can't wait to put up our 7 foot tree we bought last year! :) Thanks guys!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Goals As a Parent

I am not a parent yet, but I have many goals for when I do have children.
1. Make sure that I am stable. If you are going to bring a child into this world, this should be your top priority.
2. Raise my children right. I do not want my children growing up around fighting. I do not want to raise my child to become a bully or to fight with other kids.
3. I want to make sure that my child never goes without. If they want a new pair of shoes, then I'll get them.  If they're hungry, then I'll put food in their belly! When they go school clothes shopping, I'll buy them the cutest clothes ever. 
4. I want my child to know what is right from what is wrong.
5. I want my child to live the life that they deserve. If my child wants to be in sports then I'll let them. If they want to be in a band, then go for it. If they want to go on a family vacation during the summer, then let's go!
6. I do not want my child to think that I am just fun and games. They will know how to respect me and their father and everyone around them.
7. My children will be involved with their families, like I am. Their family will come first before their friends. I love my family and I am sure that my children will too.
8. I do not want my children to know about my finances. That is none of their business and to me, I think it just stresses kids out. They should not have to worry about if they can have 5 bucks from me cause I am too poor to hand it out.
9. I don't ever want my child to be afraid of me. I don't want them to be scared to talk to me about anything that is going on in their lives.
10. My number one goal is to just love my children. Be there for them when they need me. Be their shoulder to cry on. I want my children to love their daddy and me. Never be anything less than their mom!
So that's it. I'm sure there is more I can think of, but I really don't feel like boring you too much! :)

Blog Everyday In September

Okay, so I am just starting off this blog. I am going to try this everyday in September, even tho the month is almost over. Ha. But I got this from http://braydenmeansbrave.blogspot.com/. She is the one that introduced me to this site. And the picture below is the lady who made up this Everyday in September, I think. Lol. Correct me if I am wrong, Crystal! Thank you for this! And to everyone else, I will be doing this and I hope that more people will join along!

Here are the rules:

THERE ARE NO RULES! Have fun with it. If you miss a day no big deal. If you don't want to write about the topic for the day.. don't. Come up with your own topic for that day! If you want to do more for the month than just these topics go for it! I want this to be something fun and sort of an escape from the everyday blogging grind.

Topics of discussion:

Day 1: Tell us your story. This can be as long or as short as you want it to be. I want to know all about you though! So spill the good stuff! :)
Day 2: What is your guilty pleasure?
Day 3: Show us your happy place.
Day 4: Tell us about your most perfect day you've ever had.
Day 5: What is something that most people don't know about you?
Day 6: Introduce us to your spouse/significant other. (I'm totally guilty of talking only about my baby. I want to know about all the fabulous things your hubby does too!)
Day 7: What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Day 8: What are your most favorite blogs? I love finding new blogs!
Day 9: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Day 10: A day in the life of you.. (in pictures) Can be with or without captions.
Day 11: What are some of your greatest memories?
Day 12: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you anything close to your previous ambitions?
Day 13: If you had to move somewhere, where would it be?
Day 14: What is your go-to meal when cooking for your family? Share your recipe. (This is my way of trying to find new things to cook for my hubby. He's probably tired of pizza casserole. haha!)
Day 15: What is your favorite quote and why?
Day 16: What are 10 things that make you happy? Can be a list or pictures.
Day 17: What are your 4 most liked photos on Instagram from the past month?
Day 18: What are your goals as a parent? If you don't have children, what are you goals for the year?
Day 19: What is your favorite holiday?
Day 20: Today do a random act of kindess and share with us what you did.
Day 21: Where are you top 5 places to shop for you or your kids?
Day 22: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Day 23: Upcycle project! Upcycle something and show us pictures and the steps to how you did it.
Day 24: Who would you like to meet? Can be someone famous, someone passed, someone you are friends with but have never met.
Day 25: What do you wish you were better at?
Day 26: What is your favorite DIY project you've ever done? Tell us how you did it. Show us some pictures!
Day 27: If you made up your own holiday what would it be?
Day 28: If you were ever to become famous, what would you want to become famous for?
Day 29: Share your favorite Instagram accounts that you follow.
Day 30: Did you learn anything about yourself this month?

Hopefully these topics aren't too boring. Again if enough people show interest we can do a link up so we can see everyones answers to the daily topics. I can't wait to get started!!!!

My Life in a Nutshell

On April 27, 1992 a legend was born named Shawna Lynn Furman. :) I was born in Florida, moved from there when I was about a month old. Lived in Pennsylvania most of my life. I have two sisters: Amanda (Mandy) and Chelsie. My father walked out on us when I was 21 days old. He has lived about 25 miles away from me my whole life and has nothing to do with me. My mom has been a single parent our whole life and has done a very well job! I love my mom with all my heart. She is my strength. Us four girls grew up to be very close. She struggled to raise three girls on her own but we all ended up just fine.
July 9, 2005 my sister gave birth to a handsome baby boy! Devon was my first nephew and pretty much has grown up with me. He is more of a brother to me than a nephew. June 4, 2008 my beautiful niece was born! Trista is my sister's little 'mini me'. She seriously acts just like us.
Up until I was 16, I went to KAHS. I moved to OE in my eleventh grade year in January. I hated my mom for this up until April 2009.
A boy named Joshua started flirting with me, throwing pieces of eraser across the classroom at me. May 12, 2009 started the rest of my life with the man I love. I now thank my mom for moving me away from my home town.
Josh graduated that year and I still had one more year to go. Once I graduated, I moved in with him into his mother's house. I started college August 2010 for Business Management.
June 2, 2011 my sister gave birth to her last child she'll ever have, Donnie James Matthew. Donnie (Bum) is my little man. He is such a ham now! My sister's husband also has a son, which I consider to be my nephew also. Trentin was born November 18, 2008. I love my niece and nephews with everything I have. Without my babies, I don't know what I would do with myself!
May 2012 my mom was in a terrible car accident. She had to be life lighted. but after 6 weeks of therapy, she was semi back to normal. This was the biggest scare of my life. I'm sure I will make a blog on just this subject. Josh and I moved in with her to help her out. I grew very close to my mom in the past year.
 At the beginning of this year, I switched my degree to Early Childhood Education because I love children, but I really plan to go into nursing and just going to school for ECE just to become more educated before I have my own children. I am still not completely sure of what I want career wise.
May 3, 2013 Joshua proposed to me with a Zippo lighter. He works at Zippo, so he thought it would be a good idea. He had it engraved with the day we started dating, the day he proposed and "Will You Marry Me?"
A little over a month ago Joshua and I got our own house with my best friend, Sam. Josh bought me a ring a week ago. I am the happiest girl alive now that I am officially engaged to the man of my dreams! 4 1/2 years was a long wait! Now we are starting to plan our wedding. May 9, 2015 I will marry my best friend! So this is my life in a nutshell. My life basically revolves around my family, friends and work. Nothing really amazing, but planning for a wedding should be pretty interesting. After we get married, we plan to start our own family. My lifelong dream is to become a mother! I cannot wait to make Josh a daddy! I know he will do great.
I will try to post everyday! I hope you like my blog. :)